Applied Positive Psychology, Post-Traumatic Growth, and Resilience:
An Empowerment Guide for Teachers, Counselors, and Psychologists
Positive psychology is the study of optimal human functioning: it’s a strength-based approach that focuses on “building what’s strong” rather than “fixing what’s wrong.” Post-traumatic growth refers to positive psychological change resulting from successfully coping with traumatic or highly challenging circumstances.
In this interactive experiential workshop, you will learn to how to harness the power of positive psychology to cultivate self compassion, gratitude, happiness, optimism, resilience, and post-traumatic growth. With focused energy and new creative coping strategies, you can help students identify, ground and integrate their strengths within your teaching/therapeutic relationship. This can transform “possibilities into probabilities” as you help students develop positive intentions and confirmation bias, positive self-talk, goals, and action plans. With identified resources and new self-regulation skills, your students can then shift with confidence from a “fixed mindset” to a dynamic and forward looking “growth, learning, and trusting mindset.”
Other materials to be reviewed include The Positive Mental Health Assessment (10 questions), The Resilience Questionnaire (14 questions), The Four Basic Wants, and The Navy Seal Mental Toughness Model.
Required CD (available first day of class, $14.95: “Concentration, Relaxation, and Academic Success: Coping
with Test Anxiety,” Michael S. Prokop, audio CD, ISBN: 0-933879-44-X. Not required but suggested reading,
“Man’s Search for Meaning,” Viktor Frankl, ISBN 978-0-8070-1429-5, $10.95, both available at Amazon.
Wednesday: Feb. 2nd (4-9 pm) and Saturday, Feb. 5th, 2022 (8am-5pm), Trumbull County Educational
Service Center TCESC, Conference Room A, 6000 Youngstown-Warren Rd, Niles, OH 44446
** 1 Graduate Credit Hour, $350. Audit registration fee for non-credit participants: $140.
Michael S. Prokop, Instructor, Consulting School Psychologist, Board Certified Professional
Counselor, Certified Clinical Trauma Professional, featured guest on the Manhattan/NYC “Kristal
Hart Show,” Five Part Trauma Series, watch at
Graduate Credit & Audit Registration: Feb.2,2021 (first night of class). Payment by
check/credit/debit card to Ashland University. Audit students: payment to Alegra House.
**Pre-registration is required: register early to reserve a seat, e-mail Michael Prokop at
or call/text 330.766.2492 (Please provide the following information: name, address, phone number, e-mail)