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Anger Mindfulness and Forgiveness

Trumbull Career and Technical Center (TCTC) in conjunction with

Ashland University present:

Anger, Mindfulness, and Forgiveness: A Guide for Teachers,
Counselors, School Psychologists and Administrators

Anger is a complex human experience involving every feature of our being: our bodies, our minds, and our
emotions. The mindfulness tradition regards anger as an unwholesome state of being that is both a cause and a
manifestation of dukkha (suffering). Mismanaged anger is often a major cause of students’ interpersonal
difficulties, classroom disturbances, and violence in our schools. Anger is also an emotion that can be
channeled in destructive and/or constructive directions. In this workshop, you will learn to control and
transform anger into positive energy, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Through specific strategies and brain
based techniques, you will be able to teach your students/clients to be kindhearted yet mentally tough, resilient
and forgiving people. Concepts that will be reviewed and discussed include case studies, thought stopping,
anger physiology, mood regulation, impulse control, self- talk, anger planning, the REACH method of
forgiveness, bonding, resilient profiles, constructive use of humor, self- monitoring, and more.

Not required but suggested reading, “The Practical Neuroscience of Buddha’s Brain” by Rick Hansen, Ph.D.,
ISBN: 978-1-57224-695-9.

Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2024 4:00-9:00pm & Saturday, Nov. 16, 2024, 8:00am-5:00pm
TCTC, Room #AE177, 528 Educational Highway, Warren, OH 44483

*1 Graduate Credit Hour $360; Audit/public registration fee for non-credit participants, $150.

Michael S. Prokop, Consulting School Psychologist, Board Certified Professional Counselor,
Diplomate, American Psychotherapy Association, Instructor (330.766.2492)

Graduate Credit & Audit Registration* Wednesday Nov. 13th (first night of class) Graduate
credit students-payment by check/credit card (all major credit cards accepted) to Ashland University;
Audit students checks payable to Alegra House.

*Pre-registration required e-mail Michael Prokop at or call/text 330.766.2492 (Provide:
name, address, phone number, e-mail) Space is limited, pre-register early, class open to public.